
Precise and tailored solutions


Increase productivity and efficiency through Robotic Process Automation


Solution-oriented development 100% in Europe


Business and IT Analysis

Structural analysis to optimize business processes with comprehensive IT support leveraging extensive experience.

Robotic Process Automation

Creation of robot-assisted processes for tasks such as data reconciliation, report generation, and form processing.

Process Analysis and Design

Customized solutions tailored to specific customer requirements.

Project Management and Collaboration

CPlanning, implementation, pre- and post-project management.

In-House Training On-the-Job

Efficient training and integration in MS Office, SQL/databases, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Business Analysis, and Project Management.

IT and Forensic Reports

Reports providing reliable results and value, focusing on IT, hardware and software valuation, system error and defect identification, evidence preservation, and forensic investigations.

Staff Development

Measures to promote and train employees for future challenges.

Development Host, PC and Web

Development and optimization of applications and systems for host, PC, and web environments.

Mathematical and Statistical Reports

Creation of reports based on mathematical and statistical analyses to support decision-making.

Feasibility Study

Feasibility studies for evaluation and planning of projects and investments.

Resource Policy

“Paths are made by walking them”

A responsible and gentle approach to people and nature is our drive for a better tomorrow.


Hosting and Service Providers

  • T-Systems International GmbH
  • IBM


  • Talanx AG | HDI
  • Zurich Insurance Group
  • Ergo Group
  • Allianz
  • Viridium
  • MR Münchener
  • Roland Group
  • Vienna Insurance Group
  • Assicurazioni Generali
  • Hiscox
  • HUK-Coburg


  • A1 Telekom
  • o2 Deutschland


  • Volkswagen AG


  • E.ON Kernkraft
  • EWE


  • Bank Austria
  • BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions
  • ZKB Zürcher Kantonalbank
  • MEAG Munich Ergo Assetmanagement GmbH

Are you interested in a new professional challenge?

We are always looking for talented and motivated people to join our team. Please send us your application documents by e-mail


Our latest RPA processes. Modern solution design paired with powerful AI algorithms


Automated anti-tracking of internet search history Highly precise and scalable Powerful machine learning algorithms


Automatic email sorting according to your needs Sorting of advertising emails and automated PDF download Daily report of new PDFs